I offer schools garden education services to support in the creation of new outdoor learning spaces, or increase the beauty and effectiveness of existing ones. A garden is a treasure trove for sensory-rich hands-on learning that provides students with powerful academic, social and emotional benefits. It also teaches them skills and knowledge they need to become environmental stewards and meet the challenges that climate change will bring in their futures. Research backs this up, as does the delight and curiosity you see on children's faces when they pick string beans, spot a pollinator or dig for worms! For teachers, a garden classroom provides opportunities to design and deliver curriculum-based lessons that are dynamic, experiential and fun.

But starting, maintaining and integrating gardens as powerful teaching tools requires time, energy and expertise that teachers or parents don't always have. For some districts, creating an on-staff garden educator position is not feasible. And relying solely on staff, family and community volunteer efforts can result in gardens that go untended and unused. As a consultant I offer schools an alternative to make their outdoor garden learning programs affordable, robust and sustainable over time. I work with schools short or long term, on a contract basis. The following services are "a la carte", give schools access to the specific type and level of support that suits their particular goals for outdoor learning.

  • garden classroom design
  • crop planning and planting
  • garden classroom teaching
  • educator training
  • activity design/lesson planning
  • standards-based curriculum integration
  • community participation
  • program funding