residential garden design SERVICES

I offer a variety of design services for homeowners looking to make changes to their landscape.  


A design consultation includes an in-person meeting at your home and a follow-up summary of our discussion. During a walk-through of your property we discuss the features of your landscape, how you use it, and what you envision for it.  I can provide information about existing plants and conditions, suggest improvements, and answer any questions about garden care and maintenance issues. 

The consultation also provides you with general design ideas for changes you are considering making, from adding a few plants to re-doing an entire section of the property.  And there is no need to take notes!  I write-up a summary to capture our discussion.  It includes a list of your goals with my initial design ideas for meeting them. So regardless of whether we move forward with formal design work, you will have a greater understanding of your landscape, a vision for improving it and clarity on how to start making changes. The goal is to leave you feeling informed and inspired!  

For consultation pricing and scheduling, email me at

 design plans

For clients who continue with design work beyond a one-time consultation, drafted plans may be needed for the changes they are envisioning.  The type and number of plans needed for a project depends on the size of a property and scope of a project.  New plants for one or two areas might call for only a planting plan. Designing an entire backyard with multiple elements (such as a new patio, paths and large garden beds) generally requires conceptual, design development and planting plans. I work closely with you to determine the appropriate type of drawings needed for your specific project.

plant lists

Every set of design drawings includes a detailed plant list, including links to curated online photos, to help clients imagine the types of trees, shrubs and flowers that will bring their particular garden to life. Thoughtful and informed plant choice is an essential part of successful garden creation.  It requires and understanding of local climate, plant growth, maintenance needs, bloom times and more. When I design, plants are not chosen on the fly, solely based on a lovely magazine photo, or what can be bought fast and cheap at the nurseries. This method can have costly outcomes: overgrown, unhealthy, poorly placed or simply unattractive plants. Instead, I construct the collage of plants that will fill a landscape based on hands-on gardening experience - plus some geek-level love of horticulture! 

project coordination

While I no longer offer installation services, I am available to consult on many aspects of the process. In addition to over 25 years of planting, I have advised and overseen landscape construction, from garden bed prep and restoration, to large tree planting, hardscape construction and irrigation. Once a design is handed over to be built, it can be beneficial to have the original designer on hand.  Clients often involve me beyond the on-paper design work, to assist with understanding the installation process, communicating with contractors, and ensuring what is designed is what gets created! I can also recommend installation professionals whose work I trust, and who I have collaborated with before.